All you need to know about how to use Secure Code Labs

Security Code Labs will help you avoid vulnerabilities when designing software. It will also help you test your code for vulnerabilities once the software has been built. With just programming knowledge, you can start developing software applications without the need for prior understanding of software security. As you delve into the world of software development, you may encounter various security concepts and practices that will help you create more secure and robust applications. Remember, continuous learning and staying updated on security best practices will benefit you in building reliable and secure software solutions. Learn to spot security problems in coding fast and train yourself to write secure code with the Secure Code Labs app!

The development of this Security Code Labs app was inspired by OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) Secure Coding Dojo. OWASP is a well-known organization that focuses on improving software security.
Secure Code Labs runs on all Android devices, iPhones and iPads running iOS11 or greater.
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As hard as we try to make Secure Code Labs bug free, inevitably mistakes can happen. Please let us know if you have any issues using Secure Code Labs by reporting us the bug - customer service is really important to us as we usually respond within a matter of hours.